Tuesday, October 21, 2008

C is for...


This topic is far far faaaarrrr too big and broad to get into depth here without quoting the entirety of Simpson's Chapter 4, "Print Materials in Schools," p. 49-68, and that would definitely violate fair use.

Let's keep it simple. A few BASIC things to think about before you run off to the copy machine in those last 3 minutes before the bell rings:
  • Good news! If you become "inspired" to use something last minute (that is, there is not enough time to request permission to use it), you can go ahead & copy it to use. You may not, however, use it the following year (semester, etc) without obtaining permission.
  • It is never, never, never acceptable to copy something intended to be "consumable," even if you need to make just one more for a new student or a substitute. (Really??!! Just ONE more?!?! Yes, really.)
  • Copying a print source to an audio version is equivalent to photocopying each page of the work. (See "B is for..." entry).
  • Using a postermaking machine to enlarge a textbook page is covered by fair use, as long as the original photocopy is destroyed.
  • Using a small number of graphics to support instruction is acceptable, but using them simply for decorative purposes is not.
  • Recognizable characters (from books, cartoons, comics, etc) may not be used for murals, worksheets, etc. A page from a print source that was purchased may be displayed, however.

This is just a very brief overview, of course, but I found these to be the topics to be most relevant to a classroom teacher. If you can wait for the letter "K" we just might get into the Katsenmeier Report, which lays out more specifics.

Happy photocopying!


Sarah Gobe said...

When I learned about using graphics for decorative use, I thought about how many teachers in my school have violated this guideline. It is so tempting to use resources simply because they are there, and without thinking break copyright laws. This process has really opened my eyes.

Rebecca said...

It's been a real eye-opener for me, too! I've been sharing a lot of what I have learned with the teachers at my school, and they were stunned to realize how many times copyright is violated on a daily basis! In our reading curriculum, for example, we are expected to ask students to record themselves reading entire anthology stories!

I'm sad to admit that as a senior in high school, I painted a mural on a wall next to the library and used characters from a well-known children's book! At the time, I figured it was fine because the project was approved by the teachers and administration at my school!

Jessica Modrzejewski said...

Keep it simple -- that is great idea! Let others read and post questions -- and great job citing your textbook! Your page looks great - and your picture is perfect! Great job!
Mrs. M.